Smart technology applied to precision medicine is a global trend. As one of the key developments of the Thailand 4.0 policy, the development of intelligent healthcare in Thailand is crucial and growing stably today. It improves the efficiency of medical care and leads to the rapid growth of big data and AI, which further extends to the medical trends in recent years -precision medicine and regenerative medicine.
To share the experiences between Taiwan and Thailand in technology application in healthcare, Taiwan Changhua Christian Hospital (CCH), Taiwan External Trade Development Council, Institute for Biotechnology and Medicine Industry (IBMI) of Taiwan, Nursing Division of Ministry of Public Health of Thailand, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, St. Louis College and St. Louis Hospital of Thailand co-organize the 2023 Taiwan - Thailand Smart Healthcare Conference with the main theme "Current Trends for Smart Technology on Precision and Regeneration Medicine" on September 11st, 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand.
Speakers from Thailand and Taiwan will share the topic of the linkage and benefits of smart healthcare, precision medicine, and regenerative medicine. Also, 20 vendors from Taiwan will on-site display different products from 5G technology, AI solution, Image Analysis Platform, Telehealth Solution, Smart Ward, etc.