Product Introduction

Biomedica Bone Densitometer Solution

Biomedica Bone Densitometer Solution, the cutting-edge AI technology designed to revolutionize osteoporosis screening. Our solution utilizes hip X-ray images to provide fast and accurate screening for osteoporosis, seamlessly integrating with existing X-ray equipment in hospitals.

With our patented Low-Resource-Computing technology, we have achieved remarkable accuracy with minimal training samples. Our Osteoporosis AI-assisted Screening kit boasts an impressive 90% accuracy rate, surpassing traditional methods. Say goodbye to hardware purchase costs and the challenge of uneven device distribution between urban and rural areas. Biomedica solution focuses on the hip area, aligning with osteoporosis diagnostic medical guidelines and bridging the gaps in the osteoporosis screening market.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease, often going unnoticed until a fracture occurs. Our mission is to prevent osteoporosis and its life-altering consequences. To expand the screening area to communities and rural areas, Biomedica Osteoporosis AI-assisted Screening kit can be easily implemented on mobile X-ray buses. This mobility allows us to provide comprehensive care and screening for osteoporosis, reaching individuals who may otherwise lack access to medical facilities.

© 2023 Taiwan-Thailand Smart Healthcare Conference
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