Dr. Kuo-Yang Huang

Attending Physician, Department of Pulmonology, Changhua Christian Hospital, Taiwan

Topic: Revolutionizing Healthcare: AI-powered Prediction of Respiratory Extubation in Critical Care

Speaker's Biography:

Kuo-Yang Huang is a primary care physician at Changhua Christian Hospital, specializing in pulmonology. He is also a critical care medicine specialist and supervising physician. Dr. Huang completed his medical education at China Medical University and is currently pursuing a Doctoral Program in Medical Biotechnology at National Chung Hsing University. He has achieved notable accomplishments, including completing the Central Taiwan Intelligent Healthcare Program, signing an academic cooperation agreement with the Big Data Center, and obtaining a patent for the Respiratory Extubation Assessment System. Dr. Huang's research on AI-based prediction of respiratory extubation was published in Frontiers in Medicine. With a passion for integrating AI and medical technology, he aims to improve patient outcomes and advance healthcare.

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