Dr. Tien-Hsiung Ku

Director of the Artificial Intelligence Development Center, Changhua Christian Hospital, Taiwan

Topic: Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Frontiers of Healthcare Innovation

Speaker's Biography:

Dr. Tien-Hsiung Ku is a highly accomplished anesthesiologist and esteemed researcher in the field of medical informatics and bioinformatics. Since 1987, he has dedicated his career to providing exceptional medical care and contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge at Changhua Christian Hospital in Taiwan.

In 2004, Dr. Ku earned a master's degree in computer science from Asia University. Equipped with a unique blend of medical expertise and computer science knowledge, he delved into the emerging fields of medical informatics and bioinformatics. He achieved a significant milestone by successfully conducting the first complete genome analysis of bacteria Morganella Morganii.

Dr. Ku's research interests expanded to encompass the analysis of heart rate variability and blood pressure prediction with deep learning method.

Dr. Ku currently serves as the director of the Artificial Intelligence Development Center in Changhua Christian Hospital. In this capacity, he leads a team of brilliant minds dedicated to leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize healthcare and improve patient outcomes. The center is at the forefront of developing innovative AI solutions that have the potential to transform the medical landscape.

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