Mr. Ken Yu

Chief Executive Officer, imedtac Co., Ltd., Taiwan

Topic: The Trend and Application of Smart Technology to Precision Medicine in Taiwan and the Opportunity for Thailand

Speaker's Biography:

Mr. Ken Yu has nearly 20 years of experience in ICT, IoT, healthcare industries and is currently CEO of imedtac. He is committed to building the next generation of integrated care platforms with the latest technologies, including the Internet of things, and providing quality, comprehensive care and real-time, multi-faceted communications. Before founding imedtac, Mr. Yu spent 17 years at Advantech, the world's leading industrial computer manufacturer, as the Deputy General Manager.

Mr. Yu serves on the subcommittee of the Innovative Healthcare Industry Operations Model Project for the Joint Commission of Taiwan, and is convener of the Smart Medical SIG for Taipei Computer Association, and a board member of the Taiwan Smart City Association. He has a unique and in-depth understanding of the field of intelligent healthcare.

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