Mr. Ray Yang

Asia Pacific Sales Manager, Wellell Inc.

Topic: New Generation's Solution For Wound Management

Speaker's Biography:

Mr. Ray Yang is the sales manager of Wellell Inc (Which used to call Apex Inc); he graduated from the University of Newcastle, Australia, with a Master of Marketing degree and a bachelor's degree in business administration, and was an exchange student to the Beijing University, international finance course. As a marketer, he started his career as a marketing PM and became overseas in sales for over a decade. He had helped his company to establish factories and trading companies from overseas associated with comprehensive sales and management experience. Personally, mainly focus on the S.E.A. region and management for several global market areas. Join the Medical industry for five years as the sales manager for Mediland, the best surgical table/lights/U.V.C. robotic devices manufacturer in Asia. Since 2022, he was recruited by the Wellell group, the largest alternating air mattresses and CPAP devices brand/manufacturer in Asia, and is now in charge of several markets, including and primarily dedicated to the S.E.A. region.

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